Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Divorce and its Consequences

There is quite a difference between how divorce affects the men and the women. Females often tend to show more emotions and more distress as compared to males. You cannot compare the distress cause due to a marital breakup. There are many unusual responses can be seen due to marital separation between husbands and wives.
These responses could be angry outbursts; unmanageable crying, depression, and sometimes suicide might also be attempted by the individual partner due to marital breakup. However, how divorce affects the men is not always the same. There are many mysteries behind how actually divorce affects the men.

Different reasons behind a Divorce

There are number of reasons behind a marital breakup or marital separation. A divorce could be happened in any part of life, whether the couples spent twenty years together before they found a marital breakup.
Sometimes, a spouse is guilty for an adultery action, which is the main cause for the breakup.  Divorce is just like the death; because a physical and emotional connection is formed due to the marriage is very difficult to melt.

Analyzing Men’s response

Males are less likely to share the personal feelings. There are multiple responses evident how a divorce affects the men. Some ex-husbands may feel high and low emotions. There are also some signs of depressions due to divorce include weight gain or loss due to overeating or fasting, fail to keep up personal sanitation and attention towards personal dressing, and insomnia, etc.

Role of Lifestyle in a Divorce

Generally, lifestyle plays a key role and lead prior to a marital breakup. A husband expects from his wife to cook food at home, clean the home, provide real time twenty-four hours care to the whole family. However, wife sometimes fails or struggles to meet all these everyday responsibilities.
She often replaces the home-cooked food or meals with high-calorie, high-fat fast foods. This act leads to certain severe health issues; including heart attack and stroke, etc.

Consequences of Divorce on Males

In some cases, males or ex-husbands increased the intake or consumption of alcohol to deal with high and low emotional feelings. Furthermore, sometimes men become the victims of adultery action due to having the feelings of rejections, abandonment, and low self-respect.
Sometimes men fail to grab the opportunities to re-build themselves or re-structure themselves after facing an initial depression. However, in some instances, males grab the opportunity to re-establish themselves by focusing on the body-building, grooming and getting back on to the tract.
The time they tend to spend at the gym is trying to get rid of extra pounds of weight that they gained  during the period of marital life.

How to achieve emotional stability

Besides of the fact how divorce affects the men, ex-husbands must try to achieve the level of their emotional stability. For this purpose, they should attend spiritual, psychological, and relationship counselling in order to achieve proper standpoint. Sometimes it is not easy for males to seek help from physical therapists or ministers. In order to achieve emotional stability, it is necessary to restore balance life against an unbalance life.


How divorce affects the men varies from person to person. There are no such common consequences found in males. Women tend to show more emotional reaction as compared to men. The cause or reason of marital separation plays the vital role. Role of lifestyle may also cause the marital separation between the partners. There are certain methods to achieve the emotional stability and restore an unbalanced life into a balanced life. 

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