Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Abandonment Divorce

A divorce is called divorce by Abandonment when one of the parents leaves a marriage willingly and the relationship ends legally because of this reason. If such a person has no intention of coming back again and does not provide any kind of support for his family then other parent can use this divorce option. So in this case court will be favorably not giving any custody to such a person who abandons his marriage. If one spouse has abandoned marriage and he or she has left home. The first responsibility of the other parent is to report the missing person to police. If there is no positive outcome of this police report then the other parent can demand for court. For this purpose the parent has to follow regular procedure and meet the merits to get divorce on the basis of abandonment.

Reconciliation Policy

Reconciliation is a best option in case if two parents are separated due to any reason. Suppose if one parent has demanded a divorce due to abandonment and other parent returns. The other parent is willing to give second chance to the marriage then it is better to batch up with your life partner. Divorce should a person’s last priority. If nothing is working out in the marriage then this option can be used by any of the spouse.  


There is a proper merit set for divorce on the basis of abandonment. If a parent who left home has given the address of his new home and has promised to support his family then on such basis divorce due to abandonment cannot be given. So if one parent has left home without telling new address. On this basis the second parent can demand divorce due to abandonment. This is the merit set for this kind of divorce.

There is a time limit specified for this kind of divorce by courts. If one parent has left his family and has gone by this time then the other parent can submit a divorce on this basis. Time limit is very important to follow because may be the parent who has left home can come back after few days. After this time limit has passed the parent can file a divorce case on strong grounds.

Understand the Circumstance

To understand under which circumstances the parent left home without telling anyone is very important. There may be any need due to which the parent has to leave his family for few weeks. May be a parent has left home for his children betterment. So first find the facts then after that file the case.

Best Security Measure

There is a burden on one parent if the other parent abandons his all family. In that case the other parent has to suffer a lot in raising children without any support. In that case divorce on the basis of abandonment is best option to get rid of this stress. The court will surely do justice in that case.

This law is actually for the betterment of that parent who has left by the other parent. The parent who has left his home and relations has no chance of getting his children’s custody. So this divorce provides a strong ground for future custody cases and other divorce issues

Counseling Sessions Importance

For such disturbed parent and children family counseling sessions are best option in order to motivate them. In these sessions both parent and children is moralized. They are told that life must go on. The stuff like divorce is a misfortunate reality and one must get over it. The children realize the fact and they support their parent to live their life happily.


Divorce on the basis of abandonment can be filed if one parent abandons his family and children. If a parent has left family without telling new address and offering support. The on these merits divorce on the basis of abandonment can be filed. This divorce should be last preference if there is no chance of batch up. This divorce helps a parent in custody issues and the other parent who has abandon his marriage can never get child’s custody.

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