Friday, 5 October 2012

Business card size and dimensions

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This post is all about standard business card size and standard business card dimensions. This post can be very informative in terms understanding the business card dimensions and size.

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Business card size, business card dimensions, standard business card sizesize of business card, business card sizes, size of a business card,standard business card dimensions.

An Introduction to the Business Card Size and Dimensions

Basically, there are many elements involve in the designing of a business card, especially when you finalizing business card size. Among the important factors, the material and design are not the single elements, which you consider while creating your own custom business cards. There are many other factors as well. Business card dimensions and standard business card size is almost the same. However, some people might look for their own design with different dimensions. But in most of the cases, size of the business card along with standard business card dimensions is mostly the same. It doesn’t matter to what type of profession or business you are being associated, you can find card size and dimensions mostly the same. The only difference is the overall design, appearance, and material used in the designing of your custom business card.

What is crucial about business card dimensions?

It is very crucial for anyone associated with any sort of profession or business to have his or her identity. However, in modern business or corporate world, most of the businessmen use to have their own custom business cards. Therefore, it is already understood in the light of above that the business card sizematters. It is equally important as the business card dimensions. The important or you can say crucial thing about standard business card sizeand dimension is that shouldn’t be so awkward in design. It should be properly designed as well as needs to be complete in the sense of information about your corporate or business identity. The business card should have the right size of fonts along with an appropriate size in terms of standard business card dimensions.The text shouldn’t be too big or too small for your business card. In case of it is small, so it can be difficult for your target segment of customers to read your business or corporate information. Therefore, your business card should be properly designed and have suitable dimensions.

A business card should be in convenient size

The business card size is very much important. If the size of your business card is not enough to handle all your necessary business information in regards to your name, your address, your contact details like phone or cell numbers, and other important information like email details, etc. So, it can be useless for you to have such business cards. It is just because of the reason that your business card is not equals to the standard business card size. Your complete information will not able to print on the business card.

Ideal business card sizes

Therefore, in order to have complete precise information on your business card, it should be appropriate in terms of its size. The business card size is fully associated with the font size, if you are using appropriate or suitable size, then your business card will easily have all the required information. Otherwise, it would be very hard or difficult for you to cram all of your information on your business card with very limited space. Therefore, it is also very difficult for the customers to read the information.

Information you can print on business card size

Whenever, you are designing your business card, you should consider the information you like to print on your business card. Therefore, information like phone numbers, office address, along with your name and designation should be mentioned on your business card. A standard business card size can easily handle all such information quite easily, until or unless not use of appropriate design along with other important elements like font size, etc. otherwise, all such business information can easily be printed on your custom business cards. Business card dimensions also play crucial role in the aspect of business card size.


  1. like the idea and the info..i might need to use it when design Metal business definitely help me out there.

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